Strategic Plan Survey for Parents, Guardians and Caregivers

The Chilliwack School District is inviting parents, guardians and caregivers to share their input on the district's strategic plan for 2026 - 2029. 

Take the survey: https://tejoin.com/scroll/572957092 from February 3-21, 2025. 


Please click on the following link for Inclement Weather information.



For families interested in ordering school spirit wear.  Please review the attached link for options and ordering information. 

Order your Spirit Wear Here 


before and after

The Y understands that time gaps before and after school can be a challenge for parents. This is why its Kids Clubs licensed before and after school care program offers children in our school community with a safe and welcoming environment to connect with others and participate in productive and enjoyable activities.  

To register, please click on the following link:  
Application for Care (click here).


Contact info:

Cathy Poole
Vice President, Children and Youth Services
 YMCA BC - Greater Vancouver
T: 604-320-5805
E:  cathy.poole@bc.ymca.ca 

Strathcona Elementary is a school steeped in tradition and personal excellence. Our mission statement is: We inspire competence, character and compassion.

We are privileged to be working and learning on the Stó:lō unceded traditional territory of the Pilalt, Sema:th and Ts’elxwéyeqw tribes.



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See Us First to make sure you don't miss any of our Posts :)

FT Fort Langley Div 13&14 8:35am-1:30pm
"Girls" Triple Ball Game @ Bernard 2:45-3:30pm
Popcorn Day (must pre-pay)
Floor Hockey Game @ Sardis 2:45-4pm
PAC Meeting 7PM
Pink Shirt Day