Dear Parents & Guardians,

Welcome to the 2023/2024 school year!

Did you know that every parent and guardian is a member of the Strathcona PAC? To help ensure a strong sense of community within our school, we encourage parents to get involved and an easy way to start is by attending our monthly PAC meetings, which fall on Mondays. Unless otherwise stated, all meetings will be held in the Multipurpose Room.

Your 2023/2024 PAC Executive are:

  • President – Ritu Mann
  • Vice President – Barbara Dekkers
  • Treasurer – Maria Jenner
  • Secretary – Alison Phelan
  • Milk Program - Barbara Dekkers
  • Hot Lunch Program - Tammy Chomiak
  • D PAC - Carry Moore



**If you are interested in getting involved or have any concerns, you may email the PAC
Executive at**


The purpose of our PAC is to:

  • To advise the school board, principal, and staff on any matter relating to the school
  • To promote the education and welfare of students in the school
  • To promote the interests of public education and in particular, the interests of Strathcona Elementary
  • To encourage parent involvement in educational activities and to support programs that promote parent involvement in decision making
  • To strengthen the role of parents in the education of their children by ensuring they know their rights and responsibilities and by providing a forum for discussion of educational issues
  • To promote effective communication between the home and school
  • To provide leadership in the school community
  • To contribute to a sense of community within the school and between the school, home, and neighbourhood
  • To organize and support activities for students and parents
  • To facilitate financial support for the goals of the PAC as determined by the membership