Absence Reporting:

To enhance our existing absence-checking procedure, we are introducing a new, more efficient student absence reporting system called SafeArrival. This new system will reduce the time it takes to verify student attendance, make it easy for you to report your child’s absence and easy for staff to respond to unexplained student absences.

With SafeArrival, you are asked to report your child’s absence in advance using any of these 3 convenient methods:

1) Using your mobile device, download and install the SchoolMessenger app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store (or from the links at https://www.sd33.bc.ca/safe-arrival ). The first time you use the app, select Sign Up to create your account. Select Attendance then Report an Absence.

2) Use the SafeArrival website, https://www.sd33.bc.ca/safe-arrival. The first time you use the website, select Sign Up to create your account. Select Attendance then Report an Absence.

3) Call the toll-free number 1-833-698-6567 to report an absence using the automated phone system.

These options are available 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. Future absences can be reported at any time.

Parking Lot Safety Reminders

•    Please Do Not park in staff designated parking spots, please use visitor parking or park on side streets. 

•    Do Not park and leave your vehicle in the drop off / pick up lane.

•    Have child(ren) exit the car as quickly as possible from the curbside of the car.  

•    Please Do Not hold up traffic in the drop off zone by having extended good-byes etc. 

•    Do Not drop off or pick up before your car has reached the designated zone.

•    Please use the crosswalks.

Strong Start

Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 8:30-11:30am.  

To register:  https://sd33.bc.ca/registration


Student Fees

Statements have been sent out to families that have not paid their student fees.  Please pay as soon as possible. Please contact the office if you need to set up a payment plan.  Thank you!

Please continue reading below the “Upcoming Reminders” sections for information on Upcoming Clubs and Events.

Healthy Lifestyle Program

Generation Health is a FREE 10-week healthy lifestyle program for children and their families, delivered through YMCA BC and in partnership with the Childhood Healthy Living Foundation. Program participants will meet virtually or in person to learn about healthy eating, physical activity, goal setting, body image, self-esteem and more! 


We have 4 program days to choose from: Starting in February- Tuesdays (In Person at the Tong Louie YMCA) or Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays Virtually from 6:30-8:30 pm. This program requires prior registration through these details: phone 1-888-650-3141 or send an e-mail to generationhealth@bc.ymca.ca . 

Families who join this program receive a complimentary membership to the YMCA

Inclement Weather 

SCHOOL CLOSURE GUIDELINES - Please see the attached flyer for details. 

Winter Boots 

We’d like to thank the generous donors that have provided some winter boots to students in the Chilliwack & Fraser Cascade School Districts. We have a limited supply available at our office, if your child needs a pair of boots, please check at the office to see what is available.   See the attached flyer to view the donors. 

Archery - Grade 4/5

Our Grade 4 and 5 classes had a great time learning archery in the gym these last two weeks. If your child is interested in continuing archery outside of school, please check the website for the Chilliwack Fish and Game Protective Association chilliwackfishandgame.com. There is information regarding drop-in archery on Thursdays from 5:00-6:00pm. There is a small fee ($5), but equipment and instruction is provided. For more information, email Bruce Anderson at the Fish and Game Club bruce_a22@hotmail.com

February is Black History Month

Weekly Reminders: February 3-7

February 7

                       *   Pink “Opt Out” Hotdog Lunch forms are due 

  • Please only return if you do not wish for your child to participate. 

  • Popcorn Day 

    • For students that pre-ordered.

    • If you did not pre-order and would like to order for the remainer of this session (January to March), you can stop by the office to pick-up a pre-order envelope.  We will not be collecting orders each popcorn week in the classroom. 


Upcoming Reminders:

February 13   *  Spirit Day - Red, Pink & White Day


February 14

  • Non-Instructional Day (All Schools are Closed)

February 17

  • Family Day (All Schools are Closed)

February 21

  • Popcorn Day 

    • For students that pre-ordered.

    • If you did not pre-order and would like to order for the remainer of this session (January to March), you can stop by the office to pick-up a pre-order envelope.  We will not be collecting orders each popcorn week in the classroom. 

February 24-28

  • Jump Rope for Heart Week

  • Coin Drive 

    • Monday – Nickels

    • Tuesday – Dimes

    • Wednesday – Quarters

    • Thursday – Loonies

    • Friday - Toonies

February 25

  • PAC Meeting @ 7:00pm (Multi-Purpose Room) 

    • All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. 

February 26

  • Pink Shirt Day

  • Hot Lunch – Hot Dogs 

    • PAC will provide all students with 1 hot dog and 1 treat.  (Details to follow) 

      Parent Volunteers will be needed, please contact the PAC if you are able to help at: strathconapac@gmail.com

      Volunteers are required to have a current Strathcona Criminal Record Check on file at the office.  Please stop by the office to pick up a form if you need to have one completed. 

  • Ready, Set, Explore (3 & 4 year-olds) 9:00-10:30am 

    • More details to follow. 

February 28 

  • Early Dismissal 11:24am

March 7

  • Popcorn Day 

    • For students that pre-ordered.

    • If you did not pre-order and would like to order for the remainer of this session (March to April), you can stop by the office to pick-up a pre-order envelope.  We will not be collecting orders each popcorn week in the classroom. 

  • Report Cards Home

March 10-14

  • Lost & Found on Display 

    • Please check the lost & found items before leaving for Spring Break.  All remaining items at 2:30pm on Friday, March 14, will be packed up and donated to charity.  

March 14

  • Spirit Day – Green Day

March 17 – March 28

  • Spring Break

March 31

  • Schools Reopen

April 3

  • Class Photo Day

April 4

  • Popcorn Day 

    • For students that pre-ordered.


PAC On-going Bottle Drive 

To help raise funds for new technology for our students the Strathcona PAC has opened an account at the Return-it Express bottle depot.    If you are wanting to donate your returns to our technology fund, all you need to do is bag your returnables into a blue or clear plastic bag (please avoid pull string top bags as they get caught in the machines) and drop off at the express window at ANY Return-it depot and give them the schools phone number.  604-792-9301.   


This account will be open indefinitely, and all funds raised will go back to our students.   This is also a great way to have your out-of-town family help support your student as well.   This account (phone number) can be given at any Return-it express center throughout BC!!    


Don’t have time to drop off your holiday empties?  Let us do it!   We will have some PAC volunteers at the front of the school both before and after school on January 6th and 7th, standing ready to collect your bags of returnables.   Again, all donations will go directly to our technology fund to help go towards the purchase of a classroom set of iPads.   

**** Reminder:

  • The school does not provide cutlery to students.  Please either pack lunch items that don’t require cutlery or send cutlery from home with their lunch.  Thank you!

  • Strathcona equipment (hockey sticks, balls, holla hoops etc) is not available for after school use.  We have this in place to reduce equipment loss and damage. 

    Thank you for your support.


Do you have a child that will be turning 5 years old before December 31, 2024?  Please register at: https://sd33.vivosforms.com/Home 

Playground Supervision:

Starts at 8:09am, please do not send your child(ren) prior to this time unless they are supervised by an adult or going to Breakfast Club.

Indoor Shoes: 

All students are required to have clean indoor shoes to wear while inside their classroom & gym.  This is especially important since the wet weather has arrived.

Outdoor Attire:

Please ensure that your child has appropriate outerwear for the Winter weather. Students will go out for play periods, even when it’s raining, snowing, windy or chilly. Please make sure your child arrives to school with a warm jacket and proper footwear (particularly boots on rainy & snowy days), and on colder days remember to send mitts and toques as well. The school will only have inside play periods when it rains or snows heavily, is too icy out or we are experiencing extreme cold temperatures. Getting fresh air and some physical activity is an important part of their day…rain or shine!


Reminder to all Parents, Guardians and Caregivers,

Our school grounds are an Idle Free Zone.  Please turn your vehicles off while waiting for your child(ren) in the parking lot and pick-up lane.  Concerns have also been brought forward regarding vehicles on neighbouring streets being left running unattended while dropping students off.  For the safety of students, we ask that you turn your vehicles off while leaving your vehicle unattended.    Thank you for your cooperation.